Laleham Church of England Primary School

Writing Showcase

Year 1

Year 1 have been using the books Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson and The Fish Who Could Wish by John Bush to inspire their writing. They have been working hard to include all their non negotiables of finger spaces, capital letters, full stops and using their letters and sound to spell longer words. They have even challenged themselves to include conjunctions!

year 1 sharing a shell.pdf


Year 3

Year 3 have been using the text The Tin Forest by Helen Ward as an inspitration for their writing. This inspriational book explores the topics of conservation, climate change and plant life cycle through the eyes of an old man, building to a peice of persuasive writing to encourage others to protect an area in the local environment.
In this piece, they have written a setting description and focussed on including expanded noun phrases, preposition phrases and descriptive verbs.

year 3 the tin forest.pdf


Year 1

Year 1 received a postcard from Barnaby Bear all about his adventures in Australia. He sent us lots of pictures from his travels and asked us to write a diary entry to explain what had happened on his travels around Australia. We worked hard to include our non-negotiables and keep our handwriting joined.

year 1 diary entry.pdf


Year 2

Year 2 have been exploring a variety of genres of text and have particularly enjoyed reading comic books/strips. Inspired by Mini Grey's 'Traction Man', we have created our own comic strips thinking about the development of the plot and description of our characters. We have included adverbs, adjectives, similes and a variety of punctuation marks to make our comics exciting. 

year 2 comic book strips.pdf


Year 5

Year 5 have been using the book The Island by Armin Greder as inspiration for their writing this half term. We spent time exploring writing

in the passive voice, drawing inference from character’s perspectives and drawing inferences from a character’s actions. Our end goal was to

create a newspaper article including modal verbs.  

We really enjoyed this unit of English as it challenged stereotypes – see below for some of our quotes. 


“I enjoyed it because there is a reason why everyone is equal”  

“It reminded me about the importance of treating each other equally.”  

“I have learnt that its ok to be different.”   

“I have enjoyed reading it and have learnt punctuation along the way such as parenthesis with embedded relative clauses”   

“Every time we stop reading the book in the lesson, I feel like it is left on a cliff hanger and want to know more”    

“I enjoyed it because there was a twist in it which I didn’t expect”   

“I think it is one of the best stories yet because I have now created a newspaper report and included features such as captions as well as quotes to make the newspaper more believable”

year 5 writing showcase.pdf


Year 6

Year 6 have produced some excellent writing this term. Here are a couple of examples of a diary entry and a letter from an evacuee. The children are confident to demonstrate a variety of sentence openers, a wide range of punctuation and vivid and precise vocabulary. The children have also worked hard on using colloquial language, detailed setting descriptions and a sense of first-person feelings.

These pieces of writing demonstrate a high level of vocabulary and empathy with characterisation, which in turn lead to a natural and authentic feel.

year 6 diary entry.pdf


year 6 evacuee letter.pdf


Year 5 

The children in year 5 have been working hard on creating powerful suspense stories. They were focussing on speech, interesting vocabulary and using a variety of sentence structures. I am sure you will agree they have achieved on all levels, with some budding authors emerging too! 

year 5 suspense story 1.pdf


year 5 suspense story 2.pdf


Year 4

The children in Badgers and Squirrels have made a fantastic start with their writing this year. They have been reflecting on their proudest moments in their lives so far and have been concentrating on using emotive words and phrases to help engage the reader.

year 4 proudest moment.pdf


year 4.pdf