Laleham Church of England Primary School

Modern Foreign Languages



At Laleham C of E Primary School, we provide children with the opportunity to develop a foreign language. We want to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they not only know more but remember more and understand more. We believe that children need to enjoy lessons, be engaged and challenged in order for them to understand, retain knowledge and progress. Our aim is that all children in KS2 will assess quality teaching of French and leave Laleham confident and motivated to continue to further develop their skills into the next stage of their education and beyond.


Find out what our children have to say about French here 



Modern Foreign Languages Policy


Progression in Modern Foreign Languages


Modern Foreign Languages Review of the Year (Impact)


Knowledge Organisers

Year 3


Games - numbers, age and time


Year 4

Numbers, calendars and birthdays

Clothes - getting dressed

French food

Year 5

Monster pets

Meet my family

The French Speaking World

Year 6

In My French House

Planning a French Holiday

Visiting a town in France