Laleham Church of England Primary School

Performance & Results 

Please click here to view Laleham School's Performance Table

 Summary of Results for Summer 2023 - 2024

The information below compares the attainment of our pupils with local authority and national averages. We are delighted with the excellent results across the school. They are a tribute to the children and the staff. 

Early Years Foundation Stage


75% of pupils in Reception attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years Framework. This is above the national average of 65.2%. 



80% of pupils in Reception attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years Framework. The National figure for 2022-23 will be released in November 2023.



75% of pupils in Reception attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years Framework. The National figure for 2023-24 will be released in November 2024.


A Good Level of Development is defined as children working at the expected standard or exceeding the expected standard in all of the key areas of literacy, maths, physical development, communication and language and personal, social and emotional development.


Year One Phonic Screening


90% of pupils in Year One attained the expected standard in the Phonic Screening test. This is above the national average of 87%.



92% of pupils in Year One attained the expected standard in the Phonic Screening test. This is above the National figure of 87%.



92% of pupils in Year One attained the expected standard in the Phonic Screening test. The National figure will be available later in the year.


Key Stage One

The end of Key Stage One national curriculum assessments are now non-statutory. The school will continue to report teacher assessment levels on an internal basis.



Key Stage Two

Children in Year 6 are also assessed on their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. 

The results of the SATs (tests) in reading, maths and SPaG (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) are reported using a scaled score, where a score of 100 represents the expected standard. A scaled score of 110 or above represents a greater depth standard. The highest possible score is 120 and the lowest is 80.

For further information, please see the leaflet Information for parents KS2 from the Standards and Testing Agency.

Children are awarded one of the following Teacher Assessment judgements in writing:

Expected Standard - Working at the expected standard for their age

Greater Depth – Working above the expected standard for their age.

Our results are, once again, extremely pleasing. Laleham’s performance was above the national average in every subject area in both achievement of expected and greater depth standards.

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.



Laleham Performance


National Average


Reading – Expected Standard 74% 74%
Reading – Greater depth 31% Not available yet
Writing* – Expected Standard 75.4% 69%
Writing* – Greater Depth 25% Not available yet
Spelling, punctuation and Grammar – Expected Standard 72% 72%
Spelling, punctuation and Grammar – Greater depth 26% Not available yet
Maths - Expected Standard 71% 71%
Maths – Greater depth  26% Not available yet
Science* - Expected Standard 86% 79%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined – Expected Standard 64% 59%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined – Greater depth/higher standard 14% Not available yet




Laleham Performance


National Average


Reading – Expected Standard 84% 73%
Reading – Greater depth 45% 29%
Writing* – Expected Standard 86.2% 71%
Writing* – Greater Depth 27.6% 14%
Spelling, punctuation and Grammar – Expected Standard 89.3% 72%
Spelling, punctuation and Grammar – Greater depth 39.3% 30%
Maths - Expected Standard 86% 73%
Maths – Greater depth  32.1% 24%
Science* - Expected Standard 92.8% 80%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined – Expected Standard 75% 59%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined – Greater depth/higher standard 23.2% 8%




Laleham Performance


National Average


Reading – Expected Standard 97% 73%
Reading – Greater depth 37% Not available yet
Writing* – Expected Standard 80% 72%
Writing* – Greater Depth 23% Not available yet
Spelling, punctuation and Grammar – Expected Standard 83% 72%
Spelling, punctuation and Grammar – Greater depth 35% Not available yet
Maths - Expected Standard 87% 73%
Maths – Greater depth  37% Not available yet
Science* - Expected Standard 97% 81%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined – Expected Standard 75% 61%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined – Greater depth/higher standard 13.3% Not available yet


Teacher assessment * 

 We were delighted with these excellent results. They are a tribute to the children and the staff.