Laleham Church of England Primary School

Awareness training and events


Black History Month, 2024 – Autumn 1

Across the school, we have completed a range of activities to celebrate Black History Month.

The Year 6 worship leaders introduced us to sporting legends during their Black History Month whole school worship. They inspired us to have a go at the different sports so break times, all children had the opportunity to take part in the sporting events run by Mr Ellis and our sports leaders.



We also took part in a Great Big Live assembly to celebrate Black History Month. The host Dr Krish Kandiah, spoke about how diversity can be celebrated in schools and reinforced the importance of respecting everyone.


The wonderful Mrs Walker led us in a whole school hymns of worship where we explored music composed by black musicians and explored how their contributions have shaped our musical world.  We looked in particular at the musical influence of the ground breaking jazz musicians Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, and we also listened to music by the classical composer Samuel Coleridge Taylor.'

On Friday 20th October, we all wore red to show Racism the Red Card. Mrs Alongi led us in worship to discuss the importance of this day. The purpose of this learning was to help the children understand the harmful consequences of racism, and encourages them to actively challenge it wherever it occurs.


Paralympian Visit, 2024 – Autumn 1

The inspiring Paralympian Fabienne Andre joined us in school today to led KS2 worship. Fabienne is a British wheelchair racer who has cerebral palsy. We were captivated by her story, and she spoke about how for her personally, it is all about achieving the very best that she can.



Commonwealth Games Athlete Visit, 2024 – Autumn 2

The children were very inspired by a visit from Commonwealth Games athlete Nerys Pearce. Each year group got involved in a fun fitness circuit cheered on by their friends. It was a great opportunity to increase our fitness and be motivated by Nery’s athletic journey.



World Braille Day, 2025 – Spring 1

January 4th marks World Braille day. Braille is a special code made from six raised dots on a grid. There are 63 different combinations of these dots meaning that they can be translated into many languages. The dots are raised so that blind people can read using their fingertips to feel the patterns of the dots. During a class worship, we explored how Braille is used and learnt about Louis Braille, the inventor.


Staff training

Our EDI team, Mrs McWilliams-Bowe and Miss Read are participating in a year-long programme which focusses on identifying our underserved learners, assessing how well they are included and developing strategies to raise outcomes for all. This programme is designed to allow schools to develop a culture of equity rather than equality, and to ensure that all learners have a sense of belonging at school, positively impacting attendance and behaviour.


Children’s books which promote acceptance, belonging, and diversity.
